Wet Nose Detect 9000

Everything including foxes leak all the time. You would like to know when it's leaking again. Now the Wet Nose Detect 9000 can tell you!

                                                            10k    Electrode 1
  |        |      |               |         |
----- 1N   |      /               |         |
 / \  4001 |      \ 10k           | E     C |
/___\      |      /              V          \
  |        |      |     10k  B |/            \| B           10k    Electrode 2
  |        |      +-----\/\/\--| PNP     NPN  |--------+---\/\/\-------------O
  |        | +    |            |\            /|        |      
  | 100uF ---     |              \          V        + |      
  |   16V ---     |               | C     E |         --- 1uF
  |        |      |               |         |         --- 16V
  |        |      |               |         |          |  ceramic
  |        |      |         10k   |         |          |  or
  |        |      |     +--\/\/\--|---------+          |  tantalum
  |        |    C \     |         |                    |      
  |  +     |       \| B |   10k   |                    |       
-----      |   NPN  |---+--\/\/\--+------+----------------------------+
 ---       |       /|             |      |             |              |
  | 9V     |    E V               /    -----           |       +------------+
  | batt   |      |           10k \     / \  1N4001    |       | 12V buzzer |
  |        |      |               /    /___\           |       +------------+
  |        |      |               |      |             |              |

Use 2N3904 (NPN) and 2N3906 (PNP) or any similar transistor. Any diodes will do. If the wetness of the nose is detected, the buzzer goes off. And it will not stop even if the nose dries out. So at least you know the nose tends to get wet!

Electrodes are made of tin foil and underneath something heavy. The wetness bridges the two.

Buzzer must draw less than 100mA. Otherwise substitute PNP transistor for BD140.

Use 4x AA cells for 6V and a 6V buzzer if you want it to buzz longer before it dies. The battery will last almost forever when dry.

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