What the fuck is a cookie? Do you mean a biscuit you smelly yank?
Oh you mean a spyware device?
I don't use those. I don't track you, because your data is worthless to me.
But bullshit world governments like the EU think extra regulation is the answer. Because of course extra regulation is always the answer!!!
Yes let's make all websites warn if they want to use cookies. So everyone has to wade through endless pop-ups. And the EU's tentacles reach out to other countries not inside the EU, which should probably violate international law or something.
Maybe it's time the USA went to war with the EU over this. They could do with another proxy war.
Do you have any fucking clue how much you're being tracked online? Do you have one of those stupid "Smart Phone" things? Yeah, that tracks your position every few seconds and shares it with everyone involved in Big Tech and government. Cell phone data was even used in most western countries to monitor lockdown compliance. Let that sink in. Not a single cookie was needed for that. Nor a single GDPR pop-up.
You don't need cookies for tracking. You're being tracked everywhere on the web by browser fingerprinting. And that useless "do not track" option doesn't do a thing to stop it. Nor does an "incognito window" or for that matter a "privacy browser".
If you seriously think the EU is out to protect you from evil cookies, you need to completely re-evaluate your relationship with technology and big government. Get rid of all of your electronic devices until you are better informed. It's just too dangerous for you to be using that stuff.
All external links on this page will track you. They're external links. What did you expect?